June 26, 2024
Unknown Facts About Pregnancy

51 Unknown Facts About Pregnancy and Childbirth that will Surprise You (with infographics) 

Last updated on May 21st, 2024 at 02:51 pm

Pregnancy is a miraculous journey filled with incredible changes and surprises. While most people are familiar with the common signs and symptoms of pregnancy — many fascinating facts about this process remain relatively unknown.

Here’s a compilation of 51 lesser-known facts about pregnancy (that will surprise) and educate expectant parents and curious readers alike.

If you prefer visual than text to learn, here is the infographic presentation of 10 unknown pregnancy facts.

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Interesting facts about Pregnancy in infographics Page 1 Page 2

Now let’s dive into the detailed list of unknown facts

The Basics of Pregnancy

1. The Longest Pregnancy Ever Recorded

The longest recorded pregnancy was 375 days long, significantly longer than the average 280 days. In February 1945, Beulah Hunter gave birth to a baby girl in Los Angeles nearly 100 days after the average 280-day gestation period.
Read her story. 

2. Superfetation: A Phenomenon Pregnant Woman get pregnant

It’s possible, though extremely rare, for a woman to get pregnant while already pregnant, a phenomenon known as superfetation.

3. Pregnancy Glow

The famous “pregnancy glow” is not a myth. Increased blood volume and oil production give the skin a flushed, plump appearance.

Hormonal and Body Changes

4. Relaxin

The hormone relaxin loosens the pelvic joints in preparation for birth, but it can also cause clumsiness.

5. Blood Volume Increase

A pregnant woman’s blood volume can increase by up to 50% during pregnancy.

6. Heightened Sense of Smell

Many pregnant women experience a heightened sense of smell, which is nature’s way of helping to avoid foods that could be harmful.

Fetal Development

7. Baby’s First Fingerprint

By the end of the first trimester, a baby already has fingerprints.

8. Taste Buds Developments in the Womb

Babies develop taste buds in the womb and can taste flavors from the mother’s diet.

9. Hair Growth

Some babies, known as “lanugo-covered,” are born with a full coat of hair, which they usually shed before birth.

Unusual Symptoms

10. Pica

Some pregnant women develop pica, a condition characterized by cravings for non-food items like clay or laundry starch.

11. Sneezing

Hormonal changes can make pregnant women more prone to sneezing.

12. Foot Growth

Feet can grow up to one full shoe size due to the relaxation of ligaments in the body.

Pregnancy and the Mother’s Body

13. Heart Grows Bigger During Pregnancy

A woman’s heart may grow during pregnancy to handle the increased blood flow.

14. Breast Changes

Breasts not only get larger size during pregnancy, but they also undergo complex structural changes.

15. Hair and Nails

Many women experience faster hair and nail growth due to pregnancy hormones.

Labor and Birth

16. The “Ring of Fire”

As the baby crowns, many women will feel an intense burning sensation, known as the “ring of fire.”

17. The Role of Uterus Postpartum

After the baby is born, contractions continue to help deliver the placenta and shrink the uterus.

18. Birth in Sleep

It’s possible, though very rare, for a woman to give birth while asleep or under anesthesia without realizing it immediately.

Cultural and Historical Perspectives

19. Maternity Corsets

In the 19th century, maternity corsets were a thing to help women maintain their figure during-pregnancy.

20. Royal Pregnancy Announcements

Historically, royal pregnancies were not announced but rather inferred from the queen’s withdrawal from public life.

Twins and Multiples

21. Twin Telepathy

Some studies suggest that twins may develop a form of communication in the womb.

22. Vanishing Twin Syndrome

In up to 30% of twin pregnancies, one twin “vanishes,” usually absorbed by the mother’s body.

23. Chimerism

When one twin absorbs the other, the surviving twin may have two sets of DNA, a condition known as chimerism.

Pregnancy in the Animal Kingdom

24. Elephant Gestation

Elephants have the longest gestation period of any land animal, at up to 23 months.

25. Seahorse Surrogacy

Male seahorses are the ones who carry the pregnancy and give birth to the offspring.

Medical and Health

26. Rh Incompatibility

Rh incompatibility was a dangerous condition before the development of RhoGAM shots in the 1960s.

27. Gestational Diabetes

Up to 10% of pregnancies are affected by gestational diabetes, which usually resolves after birth.

28. Morning Sickness and Gender

Some studies suggest a correlation between severe morning sickness and the likelihood of having a girl.

Pregnancy and the Senses

29. Dream Intensity

Pregnant women often report more vivid and intense dreams due to hormonal changes.

30. Changes in Vision

Some women experience changes in their vision while pregnant, which typically revert postpartum.

The Impact of Pregnancy

31. Memory Changes

The phenomenon of “pregnancy brain” or “momnesia” refers to memory lapses that may occur during pregnancy.

32. Increased Creativity

Some women report a surge in creativity and cognitive changes during pregnancy.

33. Emotional Bonding

Talking to the baby in the womb can help with bonding and has been shown to have positive developmental effects.

After the Birth

34. Postpartum Hair Loss

Many new mothers experience significant hair loss after giving birth due to falling estrogen levels.

35. The First Milk

Colostrum, the first milk produced after birth, is packed with nutrients and antibodies.

36. Baby Blues

Up to 80% of mothers experience the “baby blues,” a mild form of depression that usually resolves within a few weeks.

Lesser-Known Pregnancy Complications

37. Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD)

SPD is a condition that causes excessive movement of the pubic symphysis, causing pain and difficulty walking.

38. Polyhydramnios

This condition involves having too much amniotic fluid and can lead to preterm birth or complications.

Pregnancy and Exercise facts

39. Exercise Benefits

Moderate exercise during pregnancy can reduce the risk of excess weight gain, and gestational diabetes, and improve mood.

40. Yoga Adaptations

Prenatal yoga can help with flexibility and strength but should be adapted to avoid certain poses.

Nutrition and Diet

41. Caloric Intake

Pregnant women only need about 300 extra calories per day, contrary to the idea of “eating for two.”

42. Cravings and Aversions

Food cravings and aversions are thought to be related to hormonal changes.

43. Fish Consumption

While fish is nutritious, pregnant women are advised to avoid certain types due to high mercury levels.

Surprising Statistics

44. Birth Rates

The highest number of babies are born in September, making December the most common conception month.

45. Teen Pregnancy Declining since 1991

Teen pregnancy rates in the U.S. have declined to historic lows in recent years. Teen birth rate declined from 17.4 in 2018 to 16.7 in 2019, according to CDC.

46. Cesarean Rates

The cesarean section rate in the U.S. is about 32%, one of the highest in the world.

Global Perspectives

47. Maternity Leave

The U.S. is one of the few countries without a national paid maternity leave policy.

48. Pregnancy Celebrations

Different cultures have unique ways of celebrating pregnancy, such as the Japanese tradition of “Haramaki” or belly wrapping.

Technology and Pregnancy facts

49. Ultrasound

The first ultrasound was performed in 1956, and since then, it has become a routine part of prenatal care.

50. Fertility Tech

Advances in fertility technology have made pregnancy possible for people who previously had difficulty conceiving.

51. Pregnancy Sickness

Levels of the hormone GDF15 in the blood of pregnant individuals can influence the severity of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, with higher concentrations of GDF15 from the fetus associated with a higher risk of experiencing these symptoms.

Pregnancy Facts and Statistics You Need to Know

Here are some pregnancy statistics for you.

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Pregnancy is a complex and deeply personal experience that varies widely from one individual to another. These 51 unknown facts about pregnancy only scratch the surface of the myriad changes and phenomena that can occur during this transformative time.

Still, there are more facts to explore and unknown to humans.

Whether you’re an expectant parent, a health professional, or simply a curious mind, understanding these lesser-known aspects of pregnancy can deepen your appreciation for the remarkable process of bringing new life into the world.

If you enjoyed this post, consider share it with your family members and friends. Thanks for reading!


  1. CDC – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Birth Provisional Data 2021
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – Multiple births
  3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Stillbirth
  4. March of Dimes ( Miscarriage)
  5. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC): Working together to reduce black maternal mortality.
  6. March of Dimes. Your body after baby: The 1st 6 weeks.
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