March 25, 2025
Amazing Facts about Left Handed Females Left Handed Female Facts
Human Body Left Hand

54 Mind Blowing Facts about Left-Handed Females (with Cool Infographics)

Last updated on October 5th, 2024 at 07:01 pm

In this blog post, we’ll explore the world of left-handed people’s experiences through the journey of 54 amazing facts about left handed females.

So, let’s dive in.

Infographics: Facts about Left Handed Females in visual

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Amazing Facts about Left Handed Females

Here are some interesting facts about left handed woman.

1. Left-handedness is less common in females

Left-handedness prevalence in females_ A comparison to males

Studies found that left-handers are less common in females, with only about 10-15% of the female population turning out to be left-handed.

2. Higher Risk of Accidents and Injuries

Higher Risk of Accidents and Injuries

Left-handed females often encounter challenges when using everyday objects designed for right-handed individuals. This includes tools such as scissors or can openers that pose unexpected challenges for most left hander.

Research indicates that left-handedness in females may be associated with a higher risk of accidents and injuries. This is due to difficulties adapting to a right-handed world.

3. In the USA, Left-handed Females have Access to Scholarships

This is one of the unique facts about left-handed females.

Left-handed female students in the United States with inspiring leadership qualities are eligible for scholarships. But, applicants need to write an essay about their leadership experiences and future goals.

Scholarship Institute’s “Annual Women’s Leadership Scholarship" offers an award amount of $500 (USD) to Left-handed female students. To apply for scholarship for left handed people (female students) they need to create a free account at

4. Left-handed Females have More Symmetrical Brain Structure

Left-handed females have more symmetrical brain structure

Studies have suggested that left-handed females, just like many left-handers are more likely, tend to display a more symmetrical brain structure.

This is a difference that sets them apart from right-handed females in the general population.

5. Higher Risk of Parkinson's Disease

Higher Risk of Parkinson's Disease

 A study showed that being left-handed increased the risk of Parkinson's disease in women by 62%. But it did not have the same effect on men.

6. Exceptional Creativity in Left-Handed Females

Left-handed females often excel in fields that require creativity, such as art, music, and writing.

7. Increased Likelihood of Twins : Research Findings

Research has shown that left-handed females may have a higher likelihood of having twins. This is compared to right-handed females.

8. Increased Risk of Breast Cancer

According to the British Journal of Cancer, Left-handed women are more likely to have a higher risk of breast cancer than right-handed women.

Additionally, A study published in the BMJ (British Medical Journal) suggests a possible link between left-handedness and breast cancer. It indicates that left-handed women may have a higher risk of developing the disease. However, further research is needed to fully understand this association and its implications for health.

Cite: BMJ: British Medical Journal. (2005). Left Handedness And Breast Cancer. Vol. 331, No. 7523, pp. 1023-1024.

9. Challenges Faced in a Right-Handed World

Left-handed women often encounter difficulties in a world that mainly favors right-handed people. The everyday tools and objects like scissors to pen are typically designed for right-handers, making tasks more difficult for them.

This includes writing on paper or chalkboards, which can lead to smudging issues.

10. Link between Left-Handedness in Females and Prenatal Testosterone Exposure

Left-handedness in females has been linked to higher levels of testosterone exposure in the womb.

11. Tongue-Rolling Ability in lefty females

In a 1998 study on left-handedness and tongue-rolling ability, it was found that significantly fewer left-handed females (62.8%) were able to roll their tongues. Whereas, the right-handed females were (74.8%).

12. Enhanced Multitasking Abilities

Based on 2008 data, left-handed females often excel at multitasking compared to their right-handed counterparts. They typically approach problems holistically and rely on pattern-matching techniques to find solutions.

In contrast, right-handed individuals usually break down problems into smaller parts for analysis.

13. Advantage in Stroke Recovery 

Left-handed females have an advantage when it comes to recovering from strokes. They are more likely to regain language ability faster due to a lower percentage of left-brain dominance compared to right-handed people.

This is one of the major benefits of being left-handed. This is one of the interesting left handed female facts

14. Lefty Females Excel in Strategic Thinking and Quick Decision-Making Sports

Studies indicate that left-handed females may have a higher likelihood of excelling in sports that demand strategic thinking and quick decision-making. Such as tennis or fencing.

15. Allergies, Asthma, and Auto-Immune Disorders

Some research suggests that left-handed females may be more prone to allergies and asthma compared to their right-handed counterparts.

Also, they are more likely to suffer from auto-immune disorders such as ulcerative colitis or rheumatoid arthritis.

16. Empathy and Creativity in Female lefties

Left-handedness in females has been associated with higher levels of empathy and creativity.

17. Thinking Outside the Box

According to studies, left-handed females tend to have a greater ability to think outside the box. They come up with innovative solutions to problems.

18. Societal Pressure on Left-Handed Females

In some cultures in the world, left-handedness is considered unlucky or even taboo for females. This can lead to societal pressure to conform to right-handedness.

19. Ambidexterity in Left-Handed Females

Left-handed females may have a higher likelihood of being ambidextrous. They’ve the ability to use both hands equally well.

20. Higher Risk of Mental Health Conditions: Research Findings

Research has suggested that left-handed females may have a higher risk of developing mental health conditions. This includes conditions such as schizophrenia or mood disorders.

21. Increased Risk of Dyslexia and Learning Difficulties

Left-handedness in females has been linked to an increased risk of dyslexia and other learning difficulties.

22. Enhanced mathematical and spatial reasoning aptitude

Some studies have found a correlation between left-handedness in females and an increased aptitude for mathematics and spatial reasoning.

23. Distinct Advantage of Left-Handed Females in Asymmetrical Activities

Left-handed females tend to have a distinct advantage in activities that involve asymmetrical movements. The Examples include playing certain musical instruments or performing surgery.

24. Increased Risk of Migraines and Other Headaches

This is another health facts about lefthanded females. Some studies suggest that left-handedness in females may be linked to not only a higher risk of migraines but also other types of headaches.

25. Dominant Right Brain Hemisphere

Left-handedness in females has been associated with a higher likelihood of having a dominant right side of the brain. This hemisphere is responsible for creativity and intuition.

26. Southpaw Bringing Diversity and Unique Perspectives to Society

Despite the challenges southpaw may face, studies found that left-handed females bring diversity and unique perspectives to society. They contribute to its richness and variety.

Cool Left Handed Female Facts

Here are some cool left handed female facts for you.

27. Higher IQ in Left-Handed Women

Compared to right handed women, left-handed women are more likely to have a higher IQ.

28. Higher Risk of Multiple Sclerosis

 Another study indicates that left-handed women have a higher risk of developing multiple sclerosis. Whereas, we don't know yet if the same applies to men.

29. Increased Chance of Heart Diseases: Study Findings

At least one study suggests that left-handed individuals have a higher chance of experiencing heart diseases. They are more likely to have a shorter lifespan due to cardiovascular reasons. This is one of the left handed female facts most women don't like to hear again!

30. Left-Handers: An Unorganized Minority Group 

Some of the scholars argue that left-handers are considered as one of the few remaining unorganized minority groups in our society. They lack collective power and a shared identity.

They often face discrimination from social, educational, and religious institutions due to societal customs, language, and perceptions labeling them as different or inferior.

31. Higher Chance of Left-Handed Babies with Maternal Age over 40

Mothers over the age of 40 at the time of a child's birth have a 128% higher chance of having a left-handed baby compared to women in their 20s.

32. Cognitive Advantages in Left-Handed persons

Some studies suggest that – left-handed individuals, including females, may have cognitive advantages. This means they have a higher likelihood of having an IQ of 131 or higher.

This is supported by notable left-handed geniuses like Isaac Newton, Benjamin Franklin, and Albert Einstein.

33. Sleep Deprivation in Left-Handed ladies

Left-handed females are more likely to experience sleep deprivation. It happens due to a condition called Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD). In this situation, limbs move involuntarily during sleep.

In a 2011 study, it was found that 94% of left-handed participants had limb movements compared to 69% of right-handed participants. This also explains why left-handers may unintentionally kick their partners while sleeping.

34. Complex Relationship with Handedness and Creativity

Left-handed women often show stronger right-brain dominance, linked to creativity and artistic skills. But recent studies indicate that the connection between brain hemisphere dominance and handedness is more intricate than previously believed.

35. Left-Handedness and Alcoholism

 Early studies hinted at a connection between left-handedness and alcoholism. But recent research suggests that left-handed individuals are not inherently more susceptible to alcohol abuse.

They may be inclined to consume alcohol in moderation.

36. Advantage in Typing

This is really an interesting facts about left handed women. Left-handed women may have an advantage in typing. The QWERTY keyboard layout allows them to type around 3,000 English words using only their left hand.

This potentially makes them faster typists. If you're a righty female, this is the facts about left handed women you should know before if you challenging for a typing competition with a left handed women.

37. International Left-Handers Day

 International left handers Day: August 13th is International Left-Handers' Day. It’s a day dedicated to celebrating the uniqueness of left-handed individuals, including women.

Besides, it is intended to raise awareness about the challenges they face in a world designed primarily for right-handers.

38. Language-Related Difficulties

Research suggests that left-handed females may have a higher likelihood of experiencing language-related difficulties during childhood. Moreover, they potentially lead to conditions like dyslexia and academic challenges being more common among left-handed children.

39. Shorter Lifespan: Nine-Year Disparity with Right-Handers

Many sources claim that female left-handers may die nine years earlier than right-handers. This means left-handed women have a shorter lifespan compared to righties.

40. Higher Prevalence of Left-Handedness in Individuals with Autism

Research indicates that left-handedness is more common among individuals with autism.

41. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms

Left-handed women are more likely to show symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. This may happen after watching a clip from a scary movie compared to right-handed women.

42. Right-Handed Dominance in Females of Dogs, Horses, and Domestic Cats

Research on dogs, horses, and domestic cats has indicated that females of these species are predominantly right-handed. Whereas males are more likely to be left-handed.

43. Left-Handedness and Birth Complications in Females

Left-handedness is associated with lower birth weight and an increased likelihood of birth complications in females.

44. Adaptation to Underwater Vision

Neurologists observed that left-handed females and women tend to adapt to underwater vision more easily compared to right-handed counterparts.

45. Faster Nail Growth on Dominant Hand

A study found that left handed people, including lefty ladies, often exhibit a hand preference where their nails grow faster on their dominant hand. This includes the larger fingers, which is a fascinating left-handed fact.

46. Handedness and Earning Potential

 Left-handed individuals are likely to earn more than right-handed people. A 2006 study found that lefties or left-handed college graduates earned 15% more than their right-handed counterparts.

Whereas, a 2014 paper found that lefties earned 10% less on average than righties. The key takeaway is that pursuing higher education can greatly impact earning potential regardless of handedness.

47. Drawing Direction Preference in Left-Handed Female Artists

 According to a 2014 study, left-handed female artists tend to draw figures facing to the right. While right-handed people draw them facing to the left.

So you can try it out yourself!

48. Non-Right-Handedness and Sexual Orientation

A 2000 study comparing the rates of non-right-handedness in homosexuals and heterosexuals. The study found that left people were more likely to be homosexual (39%), while a 2013 study on asexual individuals found that they were about 2.5 times more likely to be left-handed.

49. Left Handers' Day: Celebrating and Raising Awareness

Left Handers' Day began in 1976 commonly for lefties including women. It was initiated as a way to raise awareness and celebrate left-handed people.

It became an official holiday in the USA in 1992.

50. Lower School Performance: Findings from a 2009 Study

Left-handed females may have lower school performance. A 2009 study found that left-handed kids performed worse than right-handers in various areas.

But most children catch up with their peers as they grow older.

51. Enhanced Success in Leadership Roles

Being left-handed may enhance success in leadership roles. It is due to right-brain traits like creativity, analysis, and language skills. It is observed in renowned left-handed individuals such as Michael Bloomberg. This is one of the cool left handed facts.

52. Competitive Nature of Left Handed ladies

Left-handed females tend to be more competitive than cooperative. It’s shown in a study conducted at Northwestern University, which suggests that physical competition favors left-handers.

It’s due to their advantage in a right-handed world. Whereas, the impact on mental competitions remains uncertain.

53. Famous Left Handed Women: Influential Figures Throughout History

We know that popular and influential personality like Gerald Ford, former US presidents Barack Obama, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton are left handed. Also, many famous and influential women throughout history have been left-handed. Some examples for famous left handed women include Queen Victoria, Joan of Arc, and Julia Roberts.

Famous Left Handed Women in history 2

Here is a table of few famous left handed women for a quick view.

Famous Left-Handed WomenDescription
Oprah WinfreyMedia mogul known for "The Oprah Winfrey Show."
Ruth Bader GinsburgLate Supreme Court Justice and advocate for women's rights.
Queen VictoriaFormer Queen of the United Kingdom during the Victorian era.
Angelina JolieActress and humanitarian.
Julia RobertsActress known for films like "Pretty Woman" and "Erin Brockovich."
Lady GagaSinger and actress with unique style and hit songs.
Joan of ArcHistorical figure associated with being left-handed.
Helen KellerBlind and deaf author and educator.
Emma ThompsonAcademy Award-winning actor and writer.
Marie CurieNobel Prize-winning scientist.
Celine DionLegendary singer known for her powerful ballads.

54. Study of Radio Sensitivity in Left-Handed Women

The study conducted by Khosravifarsani et al. aimed to investigate the association between radiosensitivity and left-handedness in women. The sample population consisted of left-handed women, and the study involved analyzing the mean frequency of micronuclei (MN) in irradiated and non-irradiated lymphocytes from left-handed women.

The results revealed that the radiosensitivity index was elevated in left-handed women compared to right-handed women. Furthermore, the mean MN frequency in irradiated lymphocytes from left-handed women was significantly higher than that of right-handed women.

Statistical Data

  • Mean frequency of MN/1000 BN cells in irradiated lymphocytes:
    • Left-handers: 95.40
    • Right-handers: 51.65
  • Mean frequency of MN/1000 BN cells in non-irradiated lymphocytes:
    • Left-handers: 13.20 ± 2.67
    • Right-handers: 23.00 ± 3.46

The study findings were published in BMC Medical Physics 2012, volume 12, issue 3 source.

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Comparative Analysis: Advantages of being a Lefty Female Vs Right-Handed Females

Here is a quick table of comparison or differences between a left handed female Vs right handed female to understand little about how they differ each other in terms of some criteria

Comparison Table
AspectRight-Handed FemalesLeft-Handed Females
Population PercentageMajority (around 90%)Minority (around 10%)
Brain Hemisphere DominanceTypically left hemisphereMore likely to have a balanced hemispheric dominance or right hemisphere dominance
Cognitive AbilitiesLanguage centers usually in the left hemisphereMore evenly distributed language centers across both hemispheres
Health RisksStandard risks as per general populationSlightly higher risk of certain health conditions (e.g., immune disorders, breast cancer, dyslexia)
Motor SkillsFine motor skills often more developed in the right handFine motor skills often more developed in the left hand
Cultural/Social ConsiderationsMore readily accommodated by tools, instruments, and societal normsMay encounter challenges with everyday tools and instruments designed for right-hand users
SportsTend to have advantage in sports where right-handed play is the normMay have an advantage in some sports due to the element of surprise and less common play style
Handedness DevelopmentHandedness usually established by age 3Handedness may be influenced by both genetic and environmental factors
Learning StylesOften follows traditional learning stylesMay show variation in learning styles and approaches
Pregnancy and ChildbirthNo known significant differencesSome studies suggest left-handed women may have a higher risk of breech birth
Career ChoicesNo conclusive evidence of a preference for certain careersSome studies suggest left-handers may gravitate towards creative fields


Guys, there you have it. 

In conclusion, the 54 Amazing Facts about Left Handed Females is a comprehensive exploration of the unique experiences and attributes of this often overlooked demographic. 

Through this article, we have gained valuable insights into the historical significance, neurological differences, and social implications of being left-handed as a female. From debunking myths to shedding light on the challenges and advantages associated with left-handedness, this collection of facts serves as an eye-opening resource for both left-handed females and those looking to better understand their experiences. 

If this content was helpful to you, please share this article with your left handed female friends and family members. Thanks for reading.

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